Good Stories | Good Films | Good People
Welcome at ChickenShack Films Hamburg!
We develop moving pictures. We create stories. We deliver ideas and we realize them.
In other words - what we do best.
Branded Content, B2B + B2C, Cases, 360°, Videoclips, TV-Formats, Virals, Documentaries, Tutorials and much more.
Almost everything. Except weddings. And funerals.
And for everyone.

For clients in various fields we produce content for use on relevant platforms such as Websites, Social Media, Internal Applications, Sales. And so on. For example:

Our directors are:
Tobi Baumann | Frank Brendel | Claude Giffel
Bella Halben | Oliver Julius | Peter Kleine
Tony Mitchell | Boris Mosner | Harry Patramanis
Jan Richter | Thomas Rusch | Nico Schneider
Frank Sprung | Mike Valentine | Torsten Wacker
and others.